The Naked Emperor Knows

Now current year’s New Yorker doesn’t have a subversive bone in its body — they’re not sticking it to the man, they are the man. Still, as recently as December 2017, they published a cartoon that may well be conveying more than they had intended:

“I’m starting to think the Emperor knows he’s not wearing any clothes, he just wants us all to see his penis.”

We actually wonder if such a cartoon could be published today, when the power-grab of forcing people to assert obvious un-truths has become far more brazen. “I know that I’m not a woman, you know that I’m not a woman, I know that you know, etc — and look how much fun I’m going to have forcing you to pretend that you believe that I’m a woman.”

Update. Instalanche!

2 thoughts on “The Naked Emperor Knows

  1. “We know they are lying, they know they are lying, they know we know they are lying, we know they know we know they are lying, but they are still lying.”—Solzhenitsyn
    “We know the Emperor has no clothes, the Emperor knows he has no clothes, the Emperor knows we know he has no clothes, etc. etc.”


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